Rajasthan: Woman bleeds to death after husband slits her throat with sword

Speed News Desk 12 May 2021, 16:30 IST

Rajasthan: Woman bleeds to death after husband slits her throat with sword

In a shocking incident reported from Rajasthan’s Jodhpur district, a man allegedly murdered his 35-year-old wife by slashing her throat with the help of a sword while she was asleep, and later surrendered before the police. Preliminary investigations revealed that the accused committed the crime because he doubted the victim’s fidelity.

As maintained by police, the victim, identified as Neelam, was married to Bisnaram Bheel. Both worked as daily wage labourers. For the last few days, Neelam had been staying at her parents’ house in Jodhpur’s Soorsagar area. On Sunday, Bheel brought Neelam to his house in Piparli village.

According to a report by The Times of India. Police said Bheel used to doubt Neelam’s character. It is suspected that the issue might have sparked off an argument between the duo at night. Doubting her fidelity, Bheel cut Neelam’s throat using a sword while she was asleep. She bled to death,

“Bheel kept roaming around the entire night and surrendered at the Luni police station on Monday morning, admitting to the police that he killed his wife. Police rushed to his house with him and seized the blood-stained sword from the spot. Police also called an FSL team,” the report published by TOI said.

The accused has been taken into police custody, and an offence of murder has been filed against him.

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