US, EU discuss steps to further ‘isolate’ Moscow in first high-level talks on Russia

News Agencies 31 March 2022, 8:58 IST

US, EU discuss steps to further ‘isolate’ Moscow in first high-level talks on Russia

US and EU delegations during their first high-level dialogue on Russia discussed additional steps they may take to further isolate Moscow, the US State Department and European External Action Service said in a joint statement.

"The European Union and the United States held today in Washington, DC, the first US-EU High-Level Dialogue on Russia.... They also discussed additional steps to isolate Russia further from the US and EU economies and the international financial system [and] to impose severe costs on Russia for its actions," the statement said on Wednesday.

The US delegation was led by Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland and the EU was led by European External Action Service Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs Enrique Mora, the statement said. Both sides agreed to hold another high-level dialogue on Russia in late 2022, the statement said.


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